The Pillars of Your Public Booklife: What Do You Find Most Important?

(Roller derby or the Internet flashing by? Photo by the highly recommended Jeremy Tolbert)

Today, a focus on your Public Booklife, or career, and on Friday, your Private Booklife, or personal creativity, with a book covers post for kicks on Thursday…

More than two thousand years ago, the strategist Sun Tzu wrote that the warrior skilled in indirect warfare is as inexhaustible as Heaven and Earth, as unending as rivers and streams, and passes away only to return like the four seasons. Curiously enough, these classic lines could as easily describe the relationship between you and the Internet, given how quickly a writer must adjust to and take advantage of opportunities. It also reflects the ephemeral quality of the Internet. Because of the vast amount of information and opinion posted every single day, every hour, every minute—supplanting the information posted a minute, an hour, a day before—you need to be fluid and flexible while retaining inner calm and balance.

(Sun Tzu, thinkin’ about book publishing)

Traditional strengths like being fleet of foot, working hard, creating something seaworthy and imaginative, and finding interesting opportunities for collaboration still tend to be rewarded in the marketplace. However, the traditional career and promotional models that once helped you to brand and leverage your creativity often don’t work today.

The modern context requires from a writer some combination of the following qualities or abilities to achieve lasting, sustainable career success:

• Vision. Look five or six moves ahead, like a chess player, and recognize opportunities to diversify while remaining focused on the main goal.
• Centeredness. Understand that committing to objectives does not mean giving up balance in one’s life.
• Adaptability. Have the flexibility to turn on a dime and reverse course or pursue some new course, depending on new intelligence.
• Risk-taking. Be able to leap into the unknown, although not without a bungee cord or safety net.
• Honesty. Have the willingness to open yourself up to self-analysis and criticism from others.

Thinking about and nurturing these traits will be invaluable in your journey toward a sustainable Public Booklife.

>>Test this section of Booklife: What traits do you find most important in this ever-changing publishing environment?

One thought on “The Pillars of Your Public Booklife: What Do You Find Most Important?

  1. Hi, it's a bit offtopic but may I ask you where did you get this blog template? I'm going to start bloggin as well, I'm a bit noob though but I really like it ;) Let me know…

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